If you think this is not a worthwhile pursuit, simply take a look at just about any champion in any sport in history. In almost every instance you will find one thing in common across the boards. That one thing is the absolute crystal clear visualization of their goals, right down to the sweat on their foreheads.
How many times have you seen someone in the gym or out running, or exercising that says something like, “It’s Monday….Uhhhhh I don’t want to be doing this.” What about, “Just a few more sets and I am done with this for the day.” Well, we have got a bit of bad news for you. Continue saying things like this and you are almost sure to fail at reaching your goal of weight loss. At the very least, you make your work a whole heck of a lot harder.
Have you ever noticed just how when you are having fun, the time seems to fly by. Yet when you are having a difficult time, the time seems to drag on to eternity? Well, think about it the next time you are going out for a workout and you are in a negative mood. How much harder is it for you to finish your workout? How hard is it when you are really happy and want to be there. Bottom line, practice being positive and you will not only speed up your metabolism and your progress, but the time will fly by.
- Take the time to choose your goal carefully
- Keep track of your progress toward your ultimate goal by creating tiny goals you can achieve on a regular basis
- Be as specific as possible about what it is you want to achieve
- Regularly go back and check in with your goals to see how your progress is going
- Read over your goals daily and say them aloud. Research shows that constant reinforcement is one of the best ways to achieve the goals you desire
- Maintain a positive attitude
- Don’t always use a scale to measure your progress, it is not accurate because of many factors. Instead, judge each day by how you feel, how your clothes fit, etc.