Monday, October 24, 2011


The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. - A Bronx Tale

Today, god forbid I slept in. Usually I am up at the crack of dawn, getting outside while my eyes are still have glued shut, but feeling just a little bit more alive for it. Lying in bed, I wonder aloud why is it that many of us just can’t seem to find the time to start out our days on a positive and uplifting note. Does this one simple act change how we view the day? What about the course we take in our lives?

It is my opinion that in order to unlock your true potential, you must learn all facets of the equation. Yes, eating is one facet and exercise is another. But, if that is all there is to it, how is it that only the “extra-ordinary” people end up being envied or looked up to as role models or ideals. My approach to awakening human potential is simple, figure out the puzzle that is you. Sadly, our state of society teaches us to look for a quick fix, instant oatmeal, one hour photo solution, or shortcut in order to produce excellence.

Here is an example of several pieces of the puzzle that are seldom talked about due to the overwhelming power of the ideas of exercise and diet.

Habits are behaviors that you develop over a period of time. They become the backbone routine of different circumstances of your life. Engaging in habits, whether good or bad will lead to more of the same type of results. Simply put, if positive, they have the ability to greatly enhance your potential and if negative, they can limit your progress without you even being aware. Take the time to be sit down and write out your good and bad habits. Be honest and you will get a clear idea of how to improve yourself. This is something that no one can do but you.

Skills are unique to each individual. They are what allow a person to do something effectively. By analyzing your skills and your weaknesses, you can decide what needs improvement and what your strengths are. This allows you to gain a clear, accurate picture of your progress. For example, if you are weak in a certain area, you know that your progress will be a bit limited at first until you spend more time with this area. You now know not to expect the same fast results that you will get from an area of strength. This idea of recognizing strong points and weak points is a fantastic way to keep you on track.

Beliefs are the big one. Beliefs are one of the strongest determinants of success or failure. Here is an example: If you tell yourself over and over that it is difficult to lose weight, you are programming your body to listen to that command. It is difficult to lose weight. This simply slows down your progress. Believing something makes it true for you, no matter how outrageous it really is. By taking the time to analyze your core beliefs you open the door to your potential. Some beliefs you will find are a great hindrance to awakening human potential. Those who do extraordinary things are always people who actually believed beforehand that it was possible and that they were indeed capable.

Finally we have values, which basically are your priorities in life. Values determine what you put first in your life. For example; if you value relationships more than anything else you will behave far more differently than a person who values making money above all else at any cost. Go through and make a top ten list of your values. This will provide insight into what is really important to you. By doing this you can steer your life in the right direction rather than the direction you have been conditioned to believe is the right one.

The ideas above can give you a clear path to follow in order to help unlock your potential, but it is all up to you. IT all comes down to one thing, consistency. Consistency is the most important element. Without consistency even the best values, core beliefs, or skills will never reach their true potential. People that are consistent almost always get what they want eventually, even if they start in completely the wrong direction. Why, because they are willing to fail and get up and try again until they get what they want.

Unlocking your potential is something that takes introspection. However, with a little bit of inner searching, you can increase how you perform in almost every area of your life.

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